Liam's Story: New Favorite Training Essentials

For as long as I can remember, I’ve been all about fitness and tennis. But this past year, I hit a rough patch. 😥 Despite the hours I put in I was constantly drained. I was using caffeine and energy drinks to keep going, but they just left me feeling jittery and empty. Plus, I was getting tired of the empty calories from all those supplements.
I needed something different—something that would help me sustain my energy without the crash and actually support my recovery. 🔎 That’s when I stumbled upon an ad and it's "performance bundle" with spirulina powder, pistachio butter, and algae cooking oil.
Initially, I was skeptical. I’d heard about spirulina’s benefits, but I wasn’t convinced it would make a real difference. My first challenge was figuring out how to incorporate it into my routine.
I decided to start simple—just adding a scoop to my post-workout smoothie. The first few days, I wasn’t sure what to expect. The taste was a bit earthy, but I managed to mask it with some fruit. After a couple of weeks, I noticed something. 🪄 My energy levels felt more stable throughout the day. I wasn’t crashing in the afternoon, and I was recovering from workouts a bit quicker. It wasn’t a miracle, but it was enough to make me think, “Hey, this might actually work.”

Okay, the first thing i for sure tried from the package was pistachio butter, with the spoon of course. OMG the taste. I am a fan of peanut butter, but THIS! I started having a spoonful before workouts, and honestly, it was a game-changer. It provided a clean, steady energy boost that kept me going through my sessions. I also started spreading it on toast in the morning or mixing it into my oatmeal. It’s become a regular part of my diet, and I actually look forward to it. The only catch is, it’s so good I sometimes find myself eating it straight from the jar more often than I should!
I convinced my girlfriend to try start cooking with the algae oil. We are still not very used to cook with it.. I don't know why , because it doesn't really have some special taste. I wish through time we will start using it more. Once she made me this amazing homemade tomato soup and toasts!!!
I’m not relying on caffeine to get through the day anymore, and I’m not missing the empty calories from my previous go-to’s. 🏆
Just be prepared to get used to the pistachio butter taste—it grows on you!